
About the Conference Proceedings Series

Artificial intelligence and digital transformation are primarily driving the current revolution in the energy efficiency industry. Organizations can save operational costs, optimize energy consumption patterns, and lessen their environmental impact by utilizing cutting-edge technologies. Artificial intelligence systems use real-time data analysis to find inefficiencies and recommend the best energy use. Digital transformation enables solutions for proactive energy management. Predictive maintenance for equipment and smart grids that dynamically balance supply and demand.

These technologies connect businesses with global environmental goals, improve operational effectiveness, and pave the way for sustainable practices. By adopting AI-driven digital transformation and significant energy savings, sectors can achieve a future that is both more robust and environmentally conscious.

Politeknik Energi dan Mineral (PEM) Akamigas, Indonesia, will be holding a scientific conference, entitled The 1st International Conference on Energy and Mineral Technology (ICEMT). The theme of ICEMT 2025 is "Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency Enhancement."

Please see the ICEMT 2025 procedures for more detailed information.
